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•   Malcolm Murray  10/18
•   Robert Oye  10/15
•   Janis Sanchez (Sanchez-Hucles)  6/5
•   Carey Donovan  4/28
•   Ronda Muir  4/28
•   Steven Ojalvo (Rood-Ojalvo)  4/27
•   Philip Davies (Davies)  3/14
•   Jan Hahn  1/21
•   Kevin Quigley  1/18
•   Gus McLeavy  10/13
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Hugh Roberts  10/22
•   Scott Walsh  10/23


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 46.0%

A:   154   Joined
B:   181   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Francene Mason  2023
•   Richard Menghetti  2020
•   Julius Nicholas  2019
•   Jean Millican  2017
•   Reid Kempe  2015
•   Zaddock Solomon II  2008
•   Linda Datcher (Loury)  2011

More than 100 of us, including 15 spouses and significant others, gathered on the campus May 25-28, a gorgeous spring weekend, for the 50th anniversary of our graduation from Swarthmore. Based on the amount of wine that was consumed, the dancing that went on well past usual bedtimes and the bleary eyes in the morning, a lot of people had a very good time.

One of the most memorable moments was a celebration of life for the 35 classmates who have died.  We budgeted half an hour for it, and it lasted almost 90 minutes, as one classmate after another stood to say something about someone who was loved and lost.  Click on this link to view the slideshow that was shown during the event. And click on this link to watch a video of Chris Edley's insightful Collection address.

Several of us have posted some photos from the weekend, and we hope more of you will, too.  It's quite easy. Just click on Photos and follow the instructions. Those of you who didn’t make it to the reunion may wonder, “Who are all these old people?” 

And those of you who donated in recognition of the 50th anniversary of your graduation should pat  yourselves on your backs for helping our class reach its assigned goals of 50% class participation and $250,000 gross. As of June 29, we have 51% participation and $289,115.77 in donations.  There's still time to get that participation rate up by making an online donation here. Thanks to Bob Oye for capably leading the fundraising effort.

Going forward, please use this site to bring your classmates up to date on your life so far and show off photos of loved ones, pets, hobbies, favorite places and so on. Include a photo of you as you were back then, if you have one. And if you've got any personal news you'd like to me to include in the thrice-annual Class Notes in the Swarthmore Bulletin, email it to me at

While you're in the mood to reconnect, please visit our Facebook page ( You'll also find some reunion photos there.

You'll find the Cygnet containing our high school graduation photos at this link and the 1973 yearbook, The Halcyon, here. 

All of the archives of the Swarthmore Phoenix are available online.  Trying to remember what that FBI kerfluffle was all about? Who was the college's presidents while we were there? When were parietal rules abandoned? Search to your heart's content.  The link is here.

Martha Shirk, '73, Class Secretary